芋傳媒 TaroNews - 台灣觀點.芋見真相


圖片來源:取自壯闊台灣 吳怡農臉書
就在上週六,感謝接近 300 位來自社會各界的志工,不畏高溫和大雨,齊聚於頂溪國小,將這些理念付諸實踐!
參與這次演習的夥伴,除了平均受訓超過 80 小時的《後盾小隊》民間志工,還有消防與救護人員、台北區國家級災難醫療救護隊 (DMAT)、台灣基督教長老教會總會的牧師們、伊甸基金會的朋友,以及上百位情境角色扮演者,彰顯了民間與專業團隊的協作在防災應變中的不可或缺,是韌性社會的重要基礎。
壯闊台灣與我們的聯盟夥伴 — Spirit of America、高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院及台灣醫療救護學會 — 也歡迎了副總統蕭美琴蒞臨現場觀摩。政府高層對民間基層行動的重視,對我們所有人來說都是個鼓勵;畢竟,要讓落實真正的韌性國家,公部門與民間社會必須找到有效合作的途徑。
特別讓我感到溫暖的是,美國在台協會 AIT 處長谷立言也親自來到現場表達支持。記得當年壯闊台灣的第一場訓練營隊,就是在 2020 年與 AIT 合作舉辦的,當時谷立言還是 AIT 副處長。這次我們非常高興能向他分享,這些年一路走來,已經有大約 2 萬位參與過壯闊台灣的各項訓練!
這週也正值 921 集集大地震 25 週年紀念。當年那場災難奪走了超過兩千條生命,並造成上萬人受傷。我們親身經歷,當災難來襲,專業團隊、第一線應變人員和志願者必須緊密合作,而每個在地社區也必須具備的動員能力與行動力,才能保護自己及家人免於傷害。
也因為如此,這次演練的情境,經過特別設計,需要醫療人員、消防員、民間志願者以及在地 NGO 携手合作,應對大規模傷亡事件,並在資源有限的情況下進行搜救及建立運作避難收容所。
“Resilience” and “whole-of-society” have been talked about a lot.
This past Saturday, nearly 300 volunteers from across society came together, braving the heat and rain, to put these concepts into action at Dingxi Elementary School.
In addition to Team FA civilian responders – who on average went through 80-plus hours training – we were joined by firefighters, paramedics, the Taipei Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT), pastors from the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan, friends from the Eden Social Welfare Foundation, and over a hundred volunteer role players.
Forward Alliance and our strategic partners – Spirit of America, Kaohsiung Medical University Memorial Hospital, and the Taiwan Society of Paramedicine – also welcomed Vice President Bikhim Hsiao to observe our exercise. Needless to say, it meant a lot to everyone to see our efforts recognized by the highest levels of government. For Taiwan to be truly resilient, public agencies and civil society must find a way to work together.
And it was particularly heartwarming to have AIT Director Raymond Greene with us too. FA’s very first public workshop in 2020 was held in partnership with AIT, when Director Greene was Deputy Director. We were happy to share with him that in the time since, Forward Alliance has put approximately twenty thousand citizens through our various levels of training!
This week marks the 25th anniversary of the “921” Chi-Chi Earthquake, which took more than two thousand lives and injured over ten thousand more. We know from first hand experience that when disaster strikes, professionals, first responders and volunteers all must work together, and every community must be trained and equipped to mobilize and look after themselves.
This is why our exercise was designed to force medical personnel, firefighters, civilian volunteers, and local NGOs to work hand in hand to respond to a mass casualty event, to conduct search and rescue, and to stand up and operate a shelter – all with limited resources.
Everyone came away with lessons learned, and how we might do things differently. We will come back next time, involve more civil society organizations, and do it better. We believe this is the way to “practice resilience.” So proud of our volunteers and partners!

圖片來源:取自壯闊台灣 吳怡農臉書
圖片來源:取自壯闊台灣 吳怡農臉書
圖片來源:取自壯闊台灣 吳怡農臉書
圖片來源:取自壯闊台灣 吳怡農臉書

原文出自壯闊台灣 吳怡農臉書,芋傳媒經授權轉載。

