5 月 24 日,台灣有十萬人走上街頭,抗議親中政黨所提出的削弱總統權力的法案,而同一時間,中國共產黨在台灣周邊海域進行軍事演習,試圖威脅台灣主權。
On May 24th, 100,000 people in Taiwan took to the streets to protest the bill proposed by pro-China political parties to weaken the powers of the President. At the same time, the Chinese Communist Party conducted military exercises in the waters surrounding Taiwan, attempting to threaten Taiwan’s sovereignty.
This protest action has been dubbed the “Blue Magpie Movement” by young Taiwanese, referring to a bird species native to Taiwan known for its fierce territorial defense. This symbolizes Taiwan’s determination to bravely resist Chinese aggression. There is also a symbolic meaning of the “Bluebird of Happiness” in this movement.